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should i get a will or a trust?

should i get a will or a trust?

There are varying schools of thought when it comes to the trust v. will debate. If you do your own research you’ll find a superabundance of puff pieces, dreck, and gobbledygook written by non-lawyers, journalists, and AARP columnists. Ultimately, it’s probably wise to consult an attorney because everyone’s situation is different. Decide What You Want First The first and most important step in deciding if you need a will or a trust is to identify your own needs FIRST. Don’t…

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Do You Have to pay taxes on a house you inherit?

Do You Have to pay taxes on a house you inherit?

A lot of people wonder if they have to pay taxes on the capital gains from the increase in the value of a house they inherited. If you buy a house for $100k in 2020… and now that house is worth $200k in 2024… Normally, you pay taxes on the increase in the value of the house. So because the house increased in value by $100k, you’d be taxed on an $100k gain. This gets complicated when people inherit a…

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Whats the difference between a Revocable & Irrevocable Trust?

Whats the difference between a Revocable & Irrevocable Trust?

The world of trusts has been shrouded in terminology and incomprehensible lingo. Part of this is due to a longstanding history of acquisitive attorneys inventing dialects to make their products seem more sophisticated. Among the many names used for trusts, here are a few: living trust, domestic asset protection trust, QTIP trust, A-B trust, grantor retained annuity trust, a “Walton” trust (named after the Walmart family.) At the end of the day all you really need to know from a…

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Bankruptcy Made Easy

Bankruptcy Made Easy

If you are thinking about filing for bankruptcy here are a few easy tips: Please send my office an email if you would like some more information, or a call back to determine whether you are a good candidate for a bankruptcy filing: [email protected]

American Credit Card Debt Skyrockets

American Credit Card Debt Skyrockets

Connecticut and NJ were the States in the country with the highest average credit card balances as of the fourth quarter 2023, with close to nine thousand dollars in outstanding credit card balances. The delinquency rate on credit cards has gone up in 2023, over three percent of credit card holders are thirty days or more past due on their payments. As you can see from the above chart delinquencies soared in 2008, right after the housing market crash caused…

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Mother Suffering Postpartum Murders Her Children in MA

Mother Suffering Postpartum Murders Her Children in MA

Duxbury resident Lindsay Clancy, 32, is going to be charged with murder of her five year old daughter and three year old son. She strangled her two children last night, ie., Jan 24th, and injured her 7-month-old infant son before attempting to kill herself. She was a delivery nurse at Massachusetts General Hospital. She was married and appeared to be a happy mother and wife from postings on her social media accounts. Her husband came home at 6 PM and…

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Brian Walshe’s Long History of Mental Illness

Brian Walshe’s Long History of Mental Illness

Brian Walshe is locked up in Massachusetts for the crime of hindering a police investigation into the disappearance of his Serbian born wife Ana Walshe. Brian and his wife hosted a New Year’s Eve party at their Cohasset home. Ana disappeared on New Year’s Day. Brian said that he went to his mother’s house in Swampcott on New Year’s Day but got lost. The police found a hatchet, a hacksaw, a rug and used cleaning supplies while searching dumpsters near…

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Car Accident Claims In Massachusetts

Car Accident Claims In Massachusetts

In Massachusetts you are entitled to monetary damages for personal injury after a Massachusetts car accident which can include money damages, equitable remedies, costs, attorneys’ fees, and interest. The relief available for personal injuries involving Massachusetts car accidents will influence strategy, such as what claims to assert, when to pursue litigation, where to file suit, how to draft pleadings, what to seek in discovery, motion practice, and the use of certain settlement and trial tactics. If you were injured in…

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MA Dept Corrections Settles Lawsuit with Justice Dept

MA Dept Corrections Settles Lawsuit with Justice Dept

In 2018 the Justice Department sued the Massachusetts Department of Corrections (MDOC) and alleged that the MDOC violated the constitutional rights of mentally ill prisoners by placing them in solitary confinement for prolonged periods of time. The Justice Department alleged that the violations were pursuant to a pattern or practice that denied prisoners their Eighth Amendment right to be free from cruel and unusual punishment. The Justice Department and the State of Massachusetts reached an agreement on December 22, 2022…

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Boston Jury Acquits Harvard Coach In Bribery Case

Boston Jury Acquits Harvard Coach In Bribery Case

The Justice Department recently brought close to 60 cases in the District of Massachusetts against individuals who bribed college coaches at elite universities in order to help get their children admitted as students. The Justice Department just lost a big case against former Harvard Fencing coach Peter Brand, pictured above, who allegedly was paid by Jack Zhao, to get Zhao’s kids into Harvard through the fencing team. Zhao was also acquitted. The defense presented evidence that Zhao’s children got into…

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